Saturday, August 20, 2011

Back to School

The fact that I never finished my college degree is one of the few regrets I have in my life. This year, I turned forty and decided it was time to turn that regret in action and finish my degree! Ok, my degree won’t actually be finished this year, but at least I am on my way to accomplishing that goal. Based on a combination of reputation and convenience, I decided to attend Argosy University (, and pursue a degree in Psychology.

One of the classes I took this summer is called “Skills for Success”.  When I first saw it my schedule, I breathed a sigh of relief, because it sounded easy. It was not easy. The class was offered in an online format, something I had never experienced before. Right off the bat, I was learning something new. When attending traditional classes, I was aware of when my class was, what assignments were due and the professors were easily accessible.  Online classes required more autonomy and organization. My instructor was wonderful and very helpful, but not available in real time. It was definitely an adjustment! Once I got used to the online format and was able to relax a little, I had a very enlightening and educational experience.  The textbook we used for this class is called “P.O.W.E.R learning: Strategies for Success in College and Life” by R.S. Feldman.  The P.O.W.E.R acronym stands for Power, Organize, Work, Evaluate, Rethink (Feldman, 2009).  Some of the topics we covered included: Time Management, Goal Setting, Money Management, and Stress Management, all topics that I need in my everyday life, even if I wasn’t attending school.

One aspect of this class that was both challenging and rewarding was the format that was used to turn in assignments. Almost every assignment required us to present the information we had learned in a unique format to a target audience of our choosing. I did my first Power Point ever, submitted an updated resume, and created a flow chart, just to name a few. I wasn’t just learning what was in the textbook, but leaving my comfort zone and expanding my practical knowledge as well.

Another element of the class was “My Writing Lab” (MWL).  I didn’t realize how much I had forgotten about writing until I took the required pre-test. I was dismayed at how much information I couldn’t recall. And some of it seemed completely new (maybe I should have sluffed less in high school). After completing the pre-test, I was given specific areas I need to improve on and MWL provided me the tools needed to complete those areas.  Whether it was forgotten or never learned, I am glad I had the opportunity to learn it now.

The information I learned in “Skills for Success” will have practical application in my everyday life as well as helping me progress in my educational goals. As a matter of fact, I find myself relying on many of these principles daily. However, I think the most important thing I will take away from this class is the sense of accomplishment I feel. Every week presented an opportunity to learn a different concept and try something new, and even though I initially felt overwhelmed, I was able to meet those challenges and grow in the process.